
I didn't know I was making a doc about the definition of marriage

While reading my email this morning, I saw the one from the Daily Utah Chronicle I receive every day (or once a week during the Summer) with their top headlines. One headline stood out, "Former U student creates documentary about the definition of marriage."

I'm also working on a documentary film about another topic entirely, but had actually considered making a documentary about the history of marriage. So, that one intrigued me.

Imagine my surprise when I clicked on the link and found it was an article about ME.

Unfortunately, whoever wrote the headline didn't read the rest of the article since it mentions the real topic of my film. Having been interviewed many times before, I was not at all surprised to find that it contained a few factual errors.

It's always interesting to see how other people organize the remarks you make in a long-ranging interview, picking one or two comments out of context.

Read the article here: Former U student creates documentary about ???


Blogger Chayce and Natalie said...

I finally found you site. I kept following you name link and it would take me to some crappy European musician. I like this blog a lot do you mind if I link it? I promise to work on my spelling. By the way I am just kidding about Sissel being crappy.

24/6/06 23:04  
Blogger Stenar said...

Of course, you can link to my blog!! ;)

26/6/06 21:44  
Blogger Chayce and Natalie said...

When does the film open?

28/6/06 22:14  
Blogger Stenar said...

We'll be finished with the film in approximately 1-2 months and then we'll submit it to a number of film festivals.

28/6/06 22:40  

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